Regular services
Our Sunday services are at 10.30 a.m at Elvet and at 4 p.m. at North Road. The 10.30 service is also broadcast on Zoom for the benefit of those who cannot get to church, and the video is available later in the week from our Facebook page.
In school term time Junior Church is available for children of all ages during the morning service.
On request, a creche is often available.
Both our regular services include Holy Communion once a month.
On the third Sunday of the month our 4 p.m. service at North Road is titled “Faith and Cake” – an opportunity to meet with God in a more informal setting – involving cake.
Details of each service can be found on the Calendar.
House groups

We have a number of house groups which meet in members’ homes during the week to study the Bible, pray and share fellowship. During the pandemic we have mostly been meeting on Zoom. Contact us for more information.
Prayer shawl ministry
Some of our members knit or crochet prayer shawls, which are lovingly and prayerfully made for each individual who receives them. They are then presented to people in need of prayer, so they have a permanent reminder that they are being prayed for by their friends at Durham City Methodists.
Church without walls
During the pandemic our circuit started exploring new ways of being church without meeting indoors. We now offer:
- Bible Walks – Friday mornings at 10am starting from Broompark Picnic area: an opportunity to walk with friends while sharing Bible study. Details from Deacon Ruth or Sue Smith.
- Food for Thought – on Zoom on Monday evenings at 8pm. Contact Sue Smith for Zoom links.