Coffee mornings
We hold a monthly coffee morning, including a cake stall, from 10 a.m.-12 noon on the first Saturday of the month in the hall downstairs at North Road. All are welcome to share in food and fellowship.
Lunch Stop
Every Wednesday (during University term time) from 12 noon to 1 p.m. at Elvet, Lunch Stop offers a delicious two-course meal for just £5. All are welcome!
Messy Mornings
Our friendly toddler group for pre-school children from 0 to 5 years old (with their parents/carers) meets every Monday morning in school term, from 9.30 to 11.30 in the worship area at North Road. Craft activities, free play, Bible story, singing, healthy snack, and lots of ride-on cars! Cost: £1 per child, 50p per adult. No pre-booking required.
Inclusive Christian Movement Durham (ICMD, formerly JAMSoc (Joint Anglican and Methodist Society), MethSoc (Methodist Society))

ICMD is a Christian student society in Durham which is open to anyone of any background or denomination. They meet every Sunday afternoon at DCM Elvet or at St Oswald’s Church at 1:30PM where they share food and discuss how faith implicates us in the 21st Century-from issues on sexuality and gender to politics, poverty and the environment, led by members of the society or a variety of speakers.
ICMD is a Christian Society which strongly supports the LGBTQIA+ communities and also advocates for disability, race, and gender rights. It is open to those of every faith and none, and discussion is open and balanced.
The group has an active Facebook page.
15th Durham (Elvet) Scout Group & Elvet Explorer Unit
At Elvet Church, 15th Durham (Elvet) Scout Group and Elvet Explorer Unit provide a great way for young people to make friends, gain new experiences, and learn to work as a team. The Scout Group provides opportunities for boys and girls from the age of 6 to 14 years. The Explorer Unit is then available until the age of 18. After that all adults are welcome to become a Leader.
If you would like to enrol your child in 15th Durham (Elvet) Scout Group or Elvet Explorer Unit or wish to offer to become a Leader, please contact Mark Robinson, Group Scout Leader.

Arts and Crafts
The Arts and Crafts workshop meets on Thursday mornings during school term time from 10 am till 12 noon, in the upper room at the back of Elvet Church.
It is a self-help group in two parts:-
1. Following handicrafts, such as quilting, embroidery, patchwork, knitting, etc.
2. following drawing, painting and related topics – working mostly in watercolour, pastel or acrylic
The group supports the annual church Christmas Fair and occasionally has Art Exhibitions which contribute to the charity project being run at the time.
Just over half the attendees are members of the church. We have an approximate attendance of ten people – mostly retired! but all ages are welcome.
Enquiries contact Kirstine Chamberlayne
Fair Trade

Durham City Methodists is a Fairtrade Church. This means we use fairly traded products, whenever possible, throughout the church building and have a policy to promote trade justice.
There is a Fair Trade stall occasionally after the Sunday morning service, with a variety of cards, food and craft items for sale. We also have this stall available at most of our coffee mornings.
To find out more or to help with the stall, please contact Penny Bissell or Kirstine Chamberlayne, our Fair Traders.
Food bank
Durham City Methodists is both a collection point for Foodbank donations (deposits may be made in the yellow collection receptacle in the church foyer) and a busy distribution point for referred clients needing food, toiletries and fuel vouchers.
Those who have been issued referral slips from participating agencies (e.g. from Housing Associations, job centre, Social Services etc) may collect food at Elvet Church every Tuesday afternoon between 1.30pm – 3pm. The volunteers who manage this service are from within the local community and many are DCM members.

People from a variety of faiths, and none, have attended with various causes for their need – ranging from mental health problems, substance abuse, delay in their benefits and unexpected job loss.
In addition to their food allowance they are offered cleaning products and toiletries, fuel vouchers as well as a hot drink and usually fresh bread, pastries and cakes, thanks to a generous agreement with Greggs the Bakers.
Volunteers also offer listening ear and will signpost visitors to other services/charities which may be of benefit to them.
If you wish to volunteer with the foodbank, there is a rota sign up sheet in the church hall and training is available to ensure good quality service is given.
Rock Choir
Rock Choir is much more than a choir – it’s a multi layered singing experience. The power of music, meeting new friends and performing at life changing events, together contribute to an emotional and powerful journey for our members. We have been perfecting Rock Choir for 10 years now and have achieved an award-winning standard of excellence in both the educational and emotional aspects of what we try to do.
Rock Choir is the pioneering contemporary choir of the UK and remains unique with over 20,000, members enjoying it across 350 choirs in the UK. Each member is welcomed into the Rock Choir family and their journey with us allows music, friendship and a new found confidence to impact their everyday lives. Together we have created a safe, up-lifting and exciting experience just for you.
Durham Rock choir meets on Monday mornings at Elvet.