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Elvet Methodist Church
Elvet Methodist Church
8 Old Elvet
By foot from Durham market place, initially go towards the cathedral, then bear left down over Elvet Bridge. Old Elvet is beyond the traffic lights at the bottom.
The church is about 50 yards from the lights, on the right. Turn right immediately at the end of the terrace of buildings, so that you go down the drive to the right of the church which leads to the car park.
We have limited parking along-side the church. For Sunday morning services, and some major concerts, we have the use of the University car-park under Riverside, on the opposite side of New Elvet. For Sunday morning services please use this car-park unless you have problems with walking.
North Road Methodist Church
North Road Methodist Church
North Road
North Road Methodist is conveniently located near several major roads, and can be reached from the A1(M), A690 and A691 easily.
Durham Bus Station is at the side of the church and Durham Railway Station is 2 minutes walk.
Limited parking is available in the car park next to the church.